Out With the Old, In With the New!

Hey guys! It’s here! I finally have a new website for my blog, and this girl is soooooo happy about that!

Over the past few weeks, my web designer, Abraham, and I have poured many hours of creative energy into creating something that you guys will LOVE, and I’m so thrilled to present you with this new format! One of the main goals in this change was to make it more fun and more interactive for you, and to make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for.

One of the things I am personally excited about is the new “photo contest” section, because as we all know, I am a weakling for a good photo. I will be announcing our first photo contest on my Facebook page in a few days, so be on the lookout for that. Also, I love a good quote, and that’s why I’ve included some of my favorites in a section called “happy quotes.” Check ’em out!

Another thing I’m excited about is the new recipe format, because well, who doesn’t love a good recipe?? Hopefully this one will make it easier (and, FASTER!) for me to post, and even easier for you to follow, print, and make the recipes (aka, FOOD).


So there ya go, my beautiful peeps…welcome! I hope you kick around a bit and get to know your cozy new “home”!

It’s been fun creating it, and I hope you have fun exploring it! Many thanks to Abraham at Fort Collins Design for putting up with me spilling my coffee on his laptop, not  once but TWICE, and spilling my big ideas all over his neatly organized,  html brain! You rocked it, Abe!

And to all you readers, who continue to stretch and grow and stick it out with me, you are beautiful and you make it all fun, and sooo WORTH it!

I want you to remind you that you are always welcome here, to bring your stories, to give your feedback, or just simply relax and be inspired!

Cheers to you…and to the new!

Embracing Winter.

IMG_0687As you probably know by now, I am not a fan of Winter. I can usually endure it for a minute when it’s Christmas time, but come December 26, I need it to be Spring again. I usually enjoy about the first twenty snowflakes before I need to find a sunny beach somewhere.

Yeah, weakling, I know. But I’ve never really enjoyed having my fingers stuck together by frozen particles of the Antartic or subzero icicles hanging from my nose. Ok, so maybe when I was TWO, but you get my ‘drift’. It’s been a while.

I’ve never been a fan of cold weather, and it seems no matter how positive I am about the situation, going into it, usually by the end of January, I end up hating myself and my knee high boots, and swearing that I will live in the tropics by next Winter. No matter how determined I am to stay happy and to rock my fabulous faux fur, usually by February, I am pretty much lying curled up in a fetal position somewhere in the corner of my house. The warmest corner, that is, aproximately three inches from the front of my little electric heater, which stays permanently attached to the wall in our master closet.

(Yep. If you ever can’t find me, and it’s February and my two year old hasn’t burned the house down, this is where I’ll be.)

Usually by Valentine’s day, I’m not even trying anymore. By then I’ve given up on every single positive mantra I’ve ever chanted to myself, and I’m just straight up bitching and moaning about my frozen state. By that point, the fabulous faux fur is stuck to my face and I’m feeling like a flattened-out pancake at the bottom of a snow drift, wishing for Spring.

Welll…except for…are you ready for this??? I really don’t know what’s happening with me, but somehow I think I might be enjoying Winter (go ahead and gasp, it’s ok) just a teensy tiny, weensy little bit this year. I don’t know why, but so far (fingers crossed) I have found a new appreciation-cough-I-mean-understanding for that ghastly sham of the four seasons and I’m actually a wee bit happy, amidst the icicles.


So when my husband said he wanted to try out his new camera and it was the coldest day in history, I said “YES! Of course, we should do THAT!” Ok, so I wasn’t quite that excited, but I had recently changed my attitude and my hair color and I decided, “why not? Why not celebrate the things I don’t love and perhaps trick my brain into loving them? Why not just embrace the moment, accept what is, and find some value (aka FUN) in it?

And so I did. These photos are about that. This photo shoot, however impromptu, was not about me being some kind of weird alien human who just simply loves the cold. And yes, there ARE people like that! This was about focusing my energy on having fun, no matter what. It was about living life, wide open, no matter the obstacles, or the difficulties.

And you know what? It was actually kind of amazing! I had way more fun than I would have ever anticipated and my fingers didn’t even freeze together!



At one point, I grabbed a handful of snow with my bare hands, threw it up into the air and then felt it softly land on my face, and for a moment, I actually thought I was Cinderella.

It was so beautiful and romantic.

Before long, I found myself laying in the snow, making snow angels, and remembering my childhood winters in Ohio, and how fun they were and how we would huddle together with the neighbor kids to warm up and watch our breath make shapes in the cold damp air.


Suddenly I was that kid again.

The kid that always looked for the fun. The one that never missed an opportunity to get out into the middle of the ice and the friends and have a good time. I was that girl, and I was having a blast!




So much so, that eventually I threw off my faux fur and began to waltz down the road, not even caring that the sun had gone down and it was zero degrees. I got so lost in the beauty and the magic of the moment, that I forgot all about my little electric heater and the hot chocolate that I would surely need immediately thereafter.

Isn’t that the way it goes when we throw off our fears and just simply get lost in the moment we’re in?

The older I get the more I realize that so much of my art depicts my life. This is probably why I love acting and modeling so much. There is always so much meaning to be found in the characters that I play, whether in front of the camera, or behind it. The camera of life, that is.


I see the joy and the fun behind these pictures and it honestly makes me wonder why I haven’t embraced the Winter before? Why did it take me so long to accept it and appreciate-ahem-understand it?

But this is the process I’m in, and little by little, I’m letting go of my hang-ups about it. Little by little, I’m practicing what I preach and I’m truly finding beauty in everything. Even the fur that’s stuck to my face.


This is why I say yes when it’s freezing and my husband wants to try out his new camera. And this why I have hope that perhaps someday I will fully enjoy Winter.


Word for 2016: Fulfilled.


At the end of every year I like to ask for a word for the coming year. It gives me something positive to focus on, to relax into, or to put my energy toward.

Last year it was ‘movement’ and boy was it eveerrr a year of movement! So many trips, and SO MUCH activity. So much running and skipping and dancing through open doors and exploring new places. And, while I believe it helped me ‘move’ through some really deep soul spaces and not get too heavy with it all, it also kept me busy and breathless alot.

So this year when I heard the word ‘fulfilled’ I let out a bit of a sigh. It sounded so nice and relaxing and comforting to me. FULFILLED. Like when you’ve just eaten a big meal and you’re so completely satisfied, and you are in want of nothing. That’s what I think of when I think of the word ‘fulfilled.’ Here’s hoping that also means a bit of REST for this adventure weary soul. That perhaps this will be a year of sitting on my front porch, sipping my iced mocha, while I watch my kids play in the grass and feel completely satisfied. Perhaps I will kick back a little and see the reward of my efforts in 2015.

Let’s hope so. Cuz that was CRAZY, and I’m a wee tiny bit tired and out of breath over here.

Do you have a word for this year? What does it mean to you? Please share it in the comments…I’d love to hear it!

What Remains. (at Christmas)


In these days before Christmas, grief tends to hit me more than usual, and sometimes the only reprieve for it is to hold the ones I love a little tighter. So today I look into the eyes of my most precious gifts and I place these moments deep in my heart, knowing that even these as sturdy and beautiful as they seem, they do not last. Even these will pass and grow into something different, and love is the only thing that stays. Through the birthdays and holidays and memories made…only love. Through the questions and disappointments and empty spots at the table, only love. ONLY LOVE remains.

May it beat loud and clear in our hearts this Christmas and remind us that there is greater than just what our eyes can see. May it thread its way through all our holiday celebrations and triumph all our days, the good and happy ones and yes even the sad ones when we remember those who are not with us, and that which is never quite the same. 


Suicide and Dying With No Regrets.

I’m going to do the unthinkable and talk about suicide today. Yes, that dark evasive thing called death that no one wants to talk about, much less to acknowledge or admit to, much LESS around the holidays. Yes I know this is a “happy” blog, and yes I know this is not a feel good subject. But the truth is, this is part of my story and it’s part of so many other precious souls that I know, I think it’s time we talk about it.

Like this guy did.

I think he’s pretty friggin’ brave. What strikes me about this story is what I will call suicide regret, and I believe everyone who’s ever attempted to end their life, successfully or not, has felt it to some degree.

I know I did.

When I first stood there outside my car and looked down over the crevices of that Tennessee mountain, I felt only fear and despair. I knew something had to change and I thought the only way it would is if I would take myself out of it. I was sure that the only chance my husband and baby had at a better life was if I got into my car and gunned it over the edge.

Nothing could convince me otherwise. I was so mad that I had believed the lies. Mad that I had walked into yet another situation/relationship that had been so hard and so hurtful, and my mind was made up.

It was eerily quiet as I stood there, thinking long and deep into the abyss that threatened to squelch my life, to still my beating heart, once and for all. The phone rang. I let it go. “I can’t.” I thought. If I answer it, he will convince me not to do it.

It was my husband. I was too angry, too afraid to talk and so I just stood there, numb and yet knowing what I had to do. It was the only way out.

The phone rang again. And again…and again. It was destroying the quiet, disrupting my plan and forcing me to start thinking…rationally, perhaps? “What if? What if I picked up that phone and everything WOULD change? What if this was the one time that things would be different? But I would never know if I was lying flat at the bottom of that hill in a pile of steel and metal…”

I got into the car and revved up the motor. I fiddled with the radio. I looked over again at the sides of that steep hillside, and wondered how fast I would need to go to make sure I did not survive. If I was going to do it, I was going to do it right. My hands shook. My whole body shook. I HAD to do it.

But, then…”what if? What if I regret it the second I do it? My daughter would never know..”

Ah, my daughter!

And that’s when the text message came. “Your daughter needs you. Please come home.”

Suddenly out of nowhere, I snapped out of my rage and picked up the phone. What was I doing? My daughter needs me!

I burst into tears when I heard my husband’s voice. It felt both terrifying and amazing to hear it. I was relieved in the most unexpected way. Thing is, I knew I would have regretted it as soon as my car would have left the road. I knew I would have thought about my baby girl and I would have had the same thought that this man did…

“the millisecond my hands left the rail, it was an instant regret.”


I know now that this is true. There is nothing pretty about that moment. There is nothing heroic about that millisecond where your brain has overruled your heart, where the lies have overwhelmed the truth and convinced you to take that leap.

It’s only instant regret.

I know because that’s what I felt in that moment and my hands hadn’t even left the steering wheel yet. I’m so thankful for that. I’m so grateful that I felt that tinge BEFORE it was too late.

I’m so glad I decided not to die that day. Because as God and destiny would have it, I went on to live the best and happiest life I’ve ever lived, after that. Today I live a full life, one that has sadness and joy and misery and yes,  ‘happy little surprises.’ But through it all, I’ve made it my mission to live AND die, with no regrets.

The truth is I would rather go unexpectedly and completely out of control, with fullness of heart and life, than to go being in control with even one regret, if that was the only regret I ever had, and if that was the ONE that took my life.

Truth is, I don’t want my daughter (or my son) to ever wonder if I “wanted to” die or not. I want my children to know that no matter how hard it ever was, I lived and loved life to the fullest, and that I died with NO REGRETS.

Yes, this is a heavy subject to broach especially around the holidays, but honestly I’m so tired of hearing of another beautiful soul making that leap, and wondering if they really wanted to die. Wondering if they knew how much we wanted, needed them here. And how amazing their life might have been, had their hands not left the rail.

If that is you and you are on the brink of a hopeless end, please think about this. Consider the instant regret and how you can’t undo that. Most people don’t get another chance to take that decision back like I did. Most people that take that leap don’t ever come back. Please don’t be one of them.

Instead, do something brave you won’t regret, and ask for help. There are plenty of people and organizations and healing therapies that can and will work. There really IS hope.

I am not a professional in any one of those things, but if you need a listening ear, prayer or perhaps a little encouragement, please send an email to: happylittlesurprises@gmail.com or send a message via www.facebook/happylittlesurprises.com. I am always happy to hear your story and to offer you my own.

Be brave and reach out today! You are worth it. You are loved. You are beautiful. You are valued and needed.

No regrets.

The end.



Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Northern Colorado: http://allianceforsuicideprevention.org/about-suicide/where-to-get-help/








Treatment Centers:






Sauteed Kale and Cabbage. The Ultimate Comfort Food.

So many of you have been asking for this recipe, and (lucky for YOU) I am finally posting it! This is one of the easiest meals I’ve ever made, not to mention it looks pretty and it’s completely satisfying, especially on a cold Winter night. We love it over sweet potatoes, but you could also ladle it over some russets, rice, garbanzo beans, you name it.

This is super versatile and oh so delicious! Give it a try!

Sauteed Kale and Cabbage

2 cloves garlic
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 teaspoons coconut oil
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/2 teaspoon curry powder
1/4 cup veggie broth or water
1/2 cup thinly sliced red cabbage
1-10 oz bag baby kale
1/2 teaspoon pink himalayan salt
Pepper, to taste

Saute onions and garlic in oil until translucent and tender. Add carrots, curry, and water, cook for 2-3 minutes, then add cabbage and cook for a few more minutes. Add kale last, reduce heat, cover with lid and steam for about a minute. Remove cover, add salt and pepper, and serve over your favorite potatoes, rice or pasta.


Operation Christmas Child: Making a Difference for Less Than a Starbuck’s Latte.


For Christmas this year we decided that we did NOT need any more toys. NEWS FLASH. We already have one million and one, so instead of exchanging names or giving gifts to each other, my sister and I made an executive decision to get our kids together to make boxes for Operation Christmas Child. I mean, why not give to kids who actually “need” something this year, instead of hoarding more to ourselves and our children?

Ah, that feels so much better.

So last week we did just that.


First, I snagged these clear Rubbermaid totes at Walmart for $.94! 94 cents, you guys! Whaatttt??? I mean, that is less than 1/4 of my favorite chocolate bar at Whole Foods. And not even half of a Starbucks latte! (I venture to say it will probably make more of a difference than the wording on the side of their cups ever will, but that’s for another time.:))

Light bulb!

So we each went out and gathered tons of fun “stuff”, some from our toy boxes, some from the store- stickers, paper, toothbrushes, pencils, hats, crayons, band aids, socks, wind-up toys, balls, flip flops, soap, etc- and then got together at my house to fill the shoe boxes.

My mom had instigated the idea after she helped pack and ship boxes at OCC last year and was completely impressed and inspired by their heart and mission to help children and so, of course she came too!



We had a total blast, wrapping and filling our boxes and it was such a delight, watching our kids get into the spirit of giving! They loved picking out things that “they would want” and giving it to someone else instead.

In all it was a wonderful day, we packed eight boxes full to the brim, and we all learned again how much more blessed it is to GIVE than to receive. How fun it is to come willing and ready to bring what we have, than to long for that which we don’t!

What a joy and what a beautiful life lesson  for .94 cents! May it stay with us this holiday season and forever, and may it go deep in the hearts of my children, and all who receive it!

Thank you, Operation Christmas Child, for the opportunity to bless others through your ministry! Love and Merry Christmas to all! -The Hostetler’s

How about you? Do you have a non-profit you like to give to as a family? A favorite way to bless others over the holidays? Share your ideas in the comments, and let’s make it a Merry Christmas for everyone this year!


Celebrating M.O.M’s: 2015 and Beyond (A Recap)

Well here we are, approaching the end of another year and gee whiz it’s been wild! I don’t know about you, but 2015 has been packed full of adventure, growth, dreams taking shape, and incredible progress in my personal life, and FUN. Insane, but fun.

Some of the most fun I’ve had this year (and last!), was the Celebrating M.O.M. event we had here on the blog! Seriously, this went far beyond what I ever expected it would or could be, and proved to be one of the funnest events I’ve ever planned or hosted.

Since we began, we have featured 11 Moms including myself, and brought you a bit of their lives and mine, to be celebrated through a series of photos and objects that represent each one of us. It has been 16 months of pure bliss and so much beauty and creativity, and now that it’s over, I thought it would be fun to do a bit of a recap.

Here goes.


First there was me, and a little dream I had. I was six months into the journey with my second born, my son Emerson, and basically he cried a lot and most days I felt like an exhausted mush pot of emotions and jiggly thighs. But I was determined to celebrate every moment of his babyhood, so one day I asked my friend, Thalyta to come take some pictures of my mess.


As soon as I said it, I realized what was in my hand. A breast pump. It was such a source of frustration and yet it was mine and my baby’s lifeline. I realized then that nothing was as precious as this time that I have, right now. And even that would pass way too quickly. So my husband sent me to get pampered for a day, and get my hair done, and it felt so lovely and SO GOOD, that I decided right then that every single mother that I knew needed to have that kind of experience. I posed in front of the camera with various objects that represented the phases of motherhood I had just come through and it was such a life-changing and rich experience, I knew this was a gift I wanted to give to all of my mommy friends. And so began a dream. What if I could give this to all my friends and make them feel as I did-truly appreciated and celebrated, in the middle of the mess and the “Moments of Motherhood” (M.O.M)?

My friend Thalyta immediately came on board with the idea, and a few weeks later I invited a bunch of women to a photo shoot, where me and a team of friends pampered and massaged them, curled their hair and spritzed their faces with homemade “glow” spray and then we took their pictures.




(photos above by Emily of Sweet Justice Photography. Thank you, Emily!)

The MOM’s all came away transformed, and expressing such deep gratitude, that I knew it was the start of something truly rich and amazing, and something I wanted to continue. And so it did.


(photo by Emily of Sweet Justice Photography)

A few months later, we invited more women to another photo shoot event, and I was ecstatic to see once again, my dream coming to life, and to see all the love and care that was poured into these women, my dear friends and fellow mommies.


(photo by Emily of Sweet Justice Photography)

It was truly a team effort and a labor of love from everyone who helped, including my husband, who did so much behind the scenes to make these events happen. Major major gratitude to you Babe, and all who brought this vision to life!

The vision was to celebrate moms in all those fleeting stages of baby birthing and raising, to show us how rich and meaningful our life really is. To stop in the middle of our mundane “moments of motherhood,” and to say “hey, you are beautiful. You are valued. You are appreciated.”

That’s what this was about. And that’s what we did.

Some were still heavy into breastfeeding and baby wearing, and others were headlong into the trenches of toddlerhood, still others were in the throes of preschool and backpacks and dropping kids off at school. But each one brought their smiles and their gifts with them…and I wrote their stories. One by one, I looked at their pictures and prayed over them. One by one I remembered their words and their objects and thanked God that I had such an amazing team of women and mothers in my life. I truly loved each story, and according to you, you all did too!

Edited - 1st Pampering Session (19)

There was Ashleigh, The Beautiful Balancer. And oh man, what a ball of fire and beauty she is! Such an honest soul and an inspiration to many!


And then there was Charissa, the hope-filled wonder of a woman who never ceases to give her gifts-those of prayer and healing and speaking fulfilled promises-to everyone she meets. What a woman!


And of course, Ani, the Sunny Believer. The one who always believes, and always looks for the good, whether it’s a massive miracle or just those tiny “I love you’s” from God. She lives her life aware of the miracles that happen daily in her life and others, and we love her for it!

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Then there was Jennifer, the Preservering Flower, and what a gem she is! She is not afraid of the desert or the difficult places in her life, and she just keeps right on shining, even when life gets hard. I’m definitely not the only one that appreciates this beauty!


And how could we forget Sarah, the radiant caregiver?? Graceful, devoted and with a deep, deep love and concern for the world, she gives of herself effortlessly and without expecting in return. I am so richly blessed to be in her circle!

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Things got spicy and fun with Hannah, the gorgeous mother-child who lives with abandon and all out passion in raising her babies, loving her husband, and being a loyal friend to many! I know I can always count on her and I am forever in awe of her determination and grit.

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We definitely weren’t going to leave out Valerie, the gentle warrior woman who has transformed my life with her strength and zeal and vulnerability, and with the courage she constantly speaks to me and everyone around her. She brings a serious dose of light and hope to the world!

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We couldn’t leave out tough chick, Crystal, who rocks the cowboy boots as well as the flip flops, and isn’t afraid to get a little dirty! You guys loved her adventurous spirit, and so do I!

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And oh boy did we ever love Rebecca, that beautiful woman with a heart of gold and creativity to span the seasons and the years that we’ve known each other! What a gem! So glad she’s back in my life!

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And last but definitely NOT LEAST, there was my sister Christina, who’s been rocking my world since we were childhood trouble makers, and I’m proud to say she is still one of my very best friends. Beautiful, devoted, and patient like no other, she is a friend to many and one of the most courageous women I know. To say I’m proud of her would be a massive understatement.

And there you have it! There’s a few of the women that make my life so fun and good and amazing!

I told you at the beginning I would bring you 12 women in 12 months. Well, we didn’t quite make that (a few women were not able to make it at the last minute-we love you, Lisa and Brooke!) but we DID however, bring you 11 women in 16 months! And what a joy it’s been! What an incredible journey to bring you ALL of these women, and let you see a little bit of the light I see in them.

I hope to bring you some more in the future, but until then, I wish you all the most amazing “moments of motherhood,” and a happy, happy holiday!



Note: Unless otherwise noted, all photography credits belong to Thalyta of Thalyta Swanson Photography. Please do not copy, alter, or share them without permission or without this article in its entirety. Thank you!










Fall always brings out the layers, and the depths in me. Layers of childhood stories, of adult pain and places I’ve been, of people I’ve met, and those I can’t see, but are always there…forever in my heart.

This is for all of you today. You are loved, you are beautiful, and you are seen. No one can tell your story like you can. No one paints the sky like you do! You have a place. A purpose. A never ending reason to smile, and to keep going.

You make at least one person’s world go round. Remember that.

So, here’s to you and to all the layers, the good, the bad, and the unforgettable, that make up my history, my life story.

I wouldn’t be who I am today, without your affection, your smile, your friendship…the way your eyes dance when you tell a story. The way you listen with your heart and come closer when it gets hard. You always come closer.

I want you to know that it means something. It means the difference between suffering and dying silently and knowing that you have a friend, that everything’s ok.

Here’s to you, in all your grand beauty, and the layers in your own soul. The ones that sparkle with color and the ones that are weary and gray with the years. And to the ones underneath that no one sees.

You are loved and you are treasured. Like my favorite pair of jeans. You are appreciated, like the layers of blue on this beautiful fall day.

And always.

Love, Ruthie

Twelve Years.


It had been twelve years since he had ridden up with his horses and proposed to me, so we spontaneously decided to stop there, after a day of hiking and sightseeing, to celebrate and to reminisce a little.

We held hands as we walked to that spot where it had all began, while the sun made shadows out of our beginning and danced upon our sorrows in between. We talked, as our hearts stretched across the years and the canyons of past hardships, our present happiness and all of our ‘ever afters’. The sage leaned gracefully toward us and our future and a soft breeze blew on the memories we had brought with us…memories of that day.

How beautiful and perfect it had been! I had met him there after he had ever so thoughtfully placed flowers on the path, leading me to the “picnic” that he had made for us, complete with fruit and cheese and champagne. That’s when he had rode up with his two horses and met me there. We talked about that first kiss, and how that I had said “YES” and how we never could have known how beautiful it would be, or how IMperfect it would become.

These twelve years.

They had been full to the brim of tears and laughter, of deaths and births and hard work and the happiest of days. Of smiles and fears and adventures and goodbyes.

Twelve years of “yes!” Of coming and going and yet finding ourselves back in each other’s arms, again. And again.

We laughed about how naive we were and yet how we would do it all over, a second time. Or a 98th time.

For those births, for the smiles, for all the love we had found and discovered along the way. For those were the births of our babies, and one of them was taking our picture, the other was yelling at us from the car. We talked about how lucky we were to have them, and, how we wouldn’t go back, even if we could.

That as hard and excruciating as it sometimes is, this shared together-life, we would still choose it and them and US, for what we’ve become.

We decided that nothing was as rich and full as this, and that this was everything. This was the life we had chosen and created, twelve years ago, and we wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Not even for a moment (or a lifetime) of peace and quiet.:)

That as beautiful and difficult as it had been…

it was totally and completely worth it.